Thursday, February 19, 2015

Assessment using Audio and Video Tools

Assessment using Audio: Kaizena
Kaizena is a web program and Google Add-on/Extension that allows teachers or students to post audio comments to a piece of work. This feature supports the need for students to have timely, relevant and meaningful feedback during their learning. Kaizena now syncs seamlessly with Google documents which makes the process even faster. One of the biggest benefits to Kaizena we have found is that you can provide feedback to your students in another language. If you are a French Immersion teacher, it is often hard to find the time to conference and listen orally to all your students. Students could submit a piece of work, record it with Kaizena, and then teachers could offer feedback IN FRENCH about pronunciation, inflection etc. using Kaizena.

Kaizena Tutorial

Assessment using Video:  Explain Everything
Explain Everything is an iPad screencasting app that allows students to orally and in real time share their thinking about any particular topic.  Students can import images, add text boxes, draw a math algorithm and record their voice. Using video in this way can be a great strategy to use for students who may have a difficult time explaining just with paper and pencil, or who need motivation to show their thinking. In mathematics, students can demonstrate the strategies they used to solve a problem orally, while also demonstrating the steps they took to complete the task.  A second way that Explain Everything can be used for assessment involves the creation of student tutorials.  This would be an ideal opportunity for students who need extensions.  The students can use Explain Everything to post and share video tutorials about specific strategies or concepts.  Not only does the teacher have the opportunity to assessment the students' understanding, but now can assess their communication and application skills as well.

Explain Everything Tutorial/Introduction

1 comment:

  1. Audio assessment has something that has changed my practise in incredible ways. I have mostly used the Livescribe Pen because, even with access to tech devices, use of pen and sticky note is simple and can provide a quick audio comment.
    The tools you present here will have a tremendous impact not only on assessment, but for students with specific LD or learning needs. I was one of them and I also work with students that have so much to say and yet struggle with the paper/pen tasks.
    I wonder, do you use these same tools in your coaching roles with teachers? As a model? How could we transfer the concepts here to teacher PD?


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